Wednesday, May 6, 2020

English essay response free essay sample

? Monuments are an irreplaceable way in which individuals throughout the world commemorate the triumphs of heroes or disastrous events. When devising a monument, individuals often disregard three critical factors; the location, size and material of the monument. Location, size and material must be utilized in preciseness to obtain optimum success. The precision of where a monument is to be erected must be precise in order to gain maximum appreciation. In Riverside Park, Easton, Pennsylvania there stands a lonesome monument of Christopher Columbus, a prime example of horrid location. Christopher Columbus has no significant historical tie to the state of Pennsylvania, let alone the town of Easton. Who conjured the idea of erecting such a monument in such an irrelevant area? Another prime example of misplaced monuments is the Lincoln Memorial. The site of the Lincoln Memorial, for instance, did not exist in Lincolns lifetime, it sits quite literally on mud dredged from the Potomac River bottom in the late nineteenth century by the Army corps of Engineers. We will write a custom essay sample on English essay response or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The memorial itself contains no actual relic of Lincoln. It is pure representation- a colossal marble statue and the text of two speeches carved on enormous panels . Nearly a decade ago, my older sibling journeyed to the countries capital where they paid a visit to the Lincoln Memorial. She brought back a plethora of photographs from the memorial. These pictures consisted of children scaling the monument and striking ridiculous poses tangent to President Lincoln. The colossal substantiality of the Lincoln Memorial mesmerized the juveniles when instead the legacy of President Lincoln should have. The Holocaust Museum was potentially going to be another disastrous monument, until The Commission of Fine Arts stepped in and denied the original blue prints of the museum classifying the museum as massive (Document E). Members of the Commission of Fine Arts felt that its colossal stature would overcome The Mall and distract visitors from other monuments. Even with reformed blue prints, the museum still distracted from other monuments in the mall. However it did not distract with a ridiculous stature, it distracted because it ultimately commemorated the Holocaust in the ideal way in which a monument commemorates an even. Mount Rushmore is most known for the four colossal faces of the greatest Presidents our nation has known so far. However there is a new monument being forged upon the great mountain, one of the late and great Sioux leaders Crazy Horse (Document c). This monument is being established in memory of the great chieftain and respect to the Sioux people who were exiled from the Black Hills by American settlers. Those building a monument to commemorate a nation should not do so by destroying a land held sacred to them for construction material.

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